Guide to Convening Your Local Learning Community: Supplemental Tool Kit

Guide to Convening Your Local Learning Community: Supplemental Tool Kit

Written by: Erin Fairchild, Beth McNamara, and Jennifer Rose

Guide to Convening Your Local Learning Community: Supplemental Toolkit accompanies the Facilitating Healing and Change: Building Victim Centered Approaches for Survivors Who are Visiting Parents. This toolkit is designed to help communities explore the experiences and needs of survivors who are visiting parents in a supervised visitation program. The activities in this publication are designed to support your community to critically examine the conditions that result in survivors who are ordered to visit their children in a supervised visitation setting. The activities and worksheets support an examination of current beliefs and assumptions of staff and community interveners, enhance an understanding of adult survivors and their children's lived experiences, and support the analysis of current practices that enrich and compromise survivors' safety and healing. Within the document, you will find facilitator guides and notes, worksheets, questions, and sample forms that can be adapted to meet your unique program and community needs.