Change is Possible: An Enhanced Model of Supervised Visitation for Families Impacted by Domestic Violence

A model for engaged & therapeutic supervised visitation services

Written by: Beth McNamara & Jennifer Rose

It is without question that the work of providing supervised visitation services is hard, requires a steady head and heart and has the ability to create meaningful and lasting change for individuals and families.

"Change is Possible: An Enhanced Model of Supervised Visitation for Families Impacted by Domestic Violence"  was created to offer a roadmap for visitation providers working with families who have experienced domestic violence. The aim of the enhanced model is to foster a sense of safety, honesty, trust, and well-being by creating an environment that increases the adult victim and child's sense of safety and allows for reparative experiences and opportunities in a warm, caring and humanistic environment.

The creation of the model has been a labor of love for Inspire Action; we hope it brings inspiration and courage to visitation providers and their partners. Most importantly we hope the outcome of this model supports safety, healing, and change for adult and child survivors, as well as people who have caused them harm. This project would not be possible without the funding of the Pelino Family and the support and partnership of Apna Ghar, Inc. 
